Google SEO for Etsy Sellers

Our last article talked about Etsy SEO and how it affects you as a seller. Generally speaking, having your products at the top of Etsy search is one of the best ways to increase sales without spending money. However, Etsy search falls short in that people must first go to Etsy before it delivers results. Driving organic traffic – the traffic you…

How Does Etsy Determine Listing Quality?


Etsy sellers in most niches must contend with significant competition. After all, now that over 95 million people shop on Etsy, the platform has become a major marketplace. Furthermore, Etsy is a popular way for people to make extra money or run a business from their homes. And with a movement away from mass-produced products, the number and variety of sellers have…

Etsy SEO: What Every Seller Needs to Know

As an Etsy seller, one of your most important jobs is getting people to view your product pages. After all, you can make as many products or units of products as you’d like, but if nobody is buying it, you won’t make money. Unsurprisingly, slow sales are a common reason why businesses fail, even on Etsy. While it’s easy to think that…

How To Choose the Right Keywords For Etsy Listings

No matter what type of products you sell on Etsy, chances are that you have a lot of competition. After all, there are nearly six million total sellers on Etsy and only a limited number of product categories. At the same time, Etsy sellers have a huge variety of products for sale, regardless of which language they use or what country they’re…